Procurement System Review
Compliance Oversight

Federal Transit Administration
BMRA has had multiple contracts working with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) since 1991. These contracts have been for Procurement System Reviews (PSRs), through which BMRA evaluates grant recipients by focusing on compliance with procurement requirements. These reviews aid the FTA in reporting to the Secretary of Transportation, Congress, other oversight agencies, and the transit community on FTA programs.
BMRA, on behalf of the FTA, has a vested interest in assisting recipients to maintain efficient and effective procurement systems as well as a responsibility to ensure that recipients expend their funds in accordance with FTA regulations, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Guidance), and contractual agreements with FTA. To carry out this responsibility, FTA established an oversight framework that comprised of recipient self-certifications, annual single audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, and FTA oversight reviews, including the PSR.
BMRA works with the FTA and its regional offices to conduct PSRs to identify issues in the recipients’ procurements. BMRA engages Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to help find solutions for non-compliance and proposed industry best practices. In addition to PSRs, BMRA supports the FTA and Transit Agencies through special assignments such as work with the Hawaii Procurement Department to design and deliver a means and methodology to track contractor past performance.
Procurement System Review Compliance Oversight

Federal Transit Authority
BMRA has had multiple contracts working with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) since 1991. These contracts have been for Procurement System Reviews (PSRs), through which BMRA evaluates grant recipients by focusing on compliance with procurement requirements. These reviews aid the FTA in reporting to the Secretary of Transportation, Congress, other oversight agencies, and the transit community on FTA programs.
BMRA, on behalf of the FTA, has a vested interest in assisting recipients to maintain efficient and effective procurement systems as well as a responsibility to ensure that recipients expend their funds in accordance with FTA regulations, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Guidance), and contractual agreements with FTA. To carry out this responsibility, FTA established an oversight framework that comprised of recipient self-certifications, annual single audits conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, and FTA oversight reviews, including the PSR.
BMRA works with the FTA and its regional offices to conduct PSRs to identify issues in the recipients’ procurements. BMRA engages Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to help find solutions for non-compliance and proposed industry best practices. In addition to PSRs, BMRA supports the FTA and Transit Agencies through special assignments such as work with the Hawaii Procurement Department to design and deliver a means and methodology to track contractor past performance.