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Brushing Up on the Essentials of Project Management

As project managers, we immerse ourselves in the principles of our discipline daily. However, amidst the whirlwind of deadlines, deliverables, and stakeholder requests, we may overlook the fundamentals. Whether you’re a seasoned PM or a newcomer, a refresher on the core elements of successful project management, as defined by the reputable Project Management Institute (PMI) model, can be a game-changer. Let’s revisit these essentials through the lens of the PMI model.


Start Smart – Every project begins with an idea or opportunity. We define the project’s objectives, scope, and key stakeholders in the initiation phase. We ask the crucial questions: What are we trying to achieve? What resources do we need? Who needs to be involved? Taking the time to establish a solid foundation sets the stage for success.


Chart the Course – With the project charter, we dive into detailed planning. This is where we break down the work, assign responsibilities, and create a roadmap for execution. Tools like the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt charts help us visualize the project’s components and timeline. But remember, plans are not set in stone. Build flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.


Make It Happen – This is the phase where the project manager’s leadership truly shines. As the project team gets to work, our role shifts to that of a facilitator and problem-solver. We coordinate efforts, manage resources, and keep everyone aligned toward the common goal. Regular check-ins and status reports help us stay on top of progress and identify issues before they derail the project.

Monitoring & Controlling

Stay on Track – Throughout execution, we keep an eye on project performance. Are we hitting our milestones? Are costs staying within budget? Is the scope creeping? By proactively monitoring key metrics and controlling changes, we can course-correct as needed to keep the project on target.


Wrap It Up Right – As the project nears completion, our focus turns to dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. We verify that all deliverables meet the agreed-upon criteria, tie up any loose ends, and document lessons learned. Celebrating the team’s hard work and reflecting on what we could improve helps us sharpen our skills for future projects.

At the core of the PMI model lies a fundamental truth: effective project management is as much about people as it is about processes. It’s our responsibility to communicate clearly, manage expectations, and keep the team motivated. By staying rooted in the essentials and honing our soft skills, we can guide projects to success, time and time again. So, let’s embrace our roles as project leaders, harness the power of the PMI model, and continue to make remarkable things happen!

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